One place in the world I love returning to hold coaching camps, is the Le Safety Snooker Club in Chatelet in Belgium. Chatelet is a small town located on the border between France and Belgium and snooker in this region is very popular. The Club was formerly owned by the French number one lady player Sandrine Vlamynck who died earlier this year. The Club is now being renamed in her memory later on this year.
Sandrine was well known to everyone in the snooker world as she competed in all the EBSA and IBSF ladies championships. Sandrine herself was a great coach and she held their own coaching program each week for all their members.The club still holds training camps throughout the year and despite the loss of Sandrine the members have continued to hold the camps and I really enjoy coaching the players who are of all standards from the club player up to International level.
Belgium International player Alain Vandersteen and French Junior players Niel Vincent and Nicolas Mortreux reguarly attend the camps along with local players Mathieu Protin, Sebastien Taets, Jean Baptiste and Raphael Profeta. During each visit I see a great improvement in all the players and despite the sadness without Sandrine in the club, the players are training hard in her memory and I look forward to my next coaching camp.