Poland Camp Warsaw

Last week my 147academy returned to the city of Warsaw in Poland to train the Polish National Snooker Team and prepare them for the 2015 EBSA European Under 21 and Team Championships which is being held in Malta from the 21st of March to the 2nd of April. It is a big honour to train…

Poland Teams Camp

Last week my 147academy had the honour of training the best of the best Polishsnooker players in the beautiful city of Warsaw in Poland. Two of the players who attended were Mateusz Baranjowski and Patryk Maslowski will represent Poland in next week’s IBSF World Snooker Championship in India. They were joined by Kasper Filipiak, Karol Lelek,…

German Junior Camp

On Friday the 3rd of October my 147 Academy travelled to Germany to hold a junior development Coaching day in Breakers Snooker Club in the city of Rüsselsheim. The eight players LORIS LEHMANN, FELIX FREDE, SAMUEL MURSCHALL, TJORVEN HECHT, WILLIAM FREY, SVEN GORAN MAIER, RICHARD WIENOLD and KEVIN STRELOW were selected from all across Germany and…

Poland Camp – Warsaw

Last week my 147 Academy travelled to Warsaw in Poland to hold my latest coaching camp for the Polish Billiards & Snooker Association. The five day training camp was organised to improve the national teams technique, potting skills and training program. Among the players who attended the camp included the 2011 European U-21 Champion and former…

Austrian Billiards Camp

Last weekend my 147 Academy travelled to the beautiful city of Salzburg in Austria to train the Austrian Billiards national team. The Austrian Billiards & Snooker Association organised the camp to improve their player’s technique and potting skills. This was the first time I had trained a billiard team but I realised the main objective…

Austria Coaching with PJ

The 2012 – 2013 season promises to be another exciting season for my 147Academy as The Austrian Billiards & Snooker Association have just announced their Association will be holding PJ Nolan coaching camps for the National teams in selected clubs throughout Austria next season. National team training camps are planned for Salzburg, Vienna and Graz throughout…

UAE Coaching Camp

April has certainly be a busy month for Republic of Ireland National Coach PJ Nolan. The Official World Snooker Coach will be our lead coach in the Cue Zone in Sheffield but before that the much sought after coach is currently in Dubai working with the UAE’s finest snooker players as they prepare for their…

Iran Training Camp

My 147 Academy was invited to Tehran in Iran to hold a training camp to train the Iran National team. I was invited to train 10 selected players by the Iran Cue Sports Federation for a nine day camp in the new Iran Snooker Academy in the capital of Iran. The Iran academy has four…