This week I had the pleasure of holding a five day Snooker Coaching Camp for Mustafa Ansari from Sydney, Australia in the Ivy Rooms Snooker Club in Carlow.
Mustafa travelled all the way from Australia to Carlow for intensive coaching to improve his fundamentals and learn how to play all the different shots, drills plus receive the technical information to improve his game.
Mustafa “said it was great to have PJ coaching me this week. I now feel more confident about my technique after the fine tuning. I really enjoyed how PJ planned out my sessions and I cannot wait to get home and start doing my new training program.
Coaching Sessions
Mustafa was videoed during each session and he brings home CD’s with all the action from the session to study covering all the routines in the four main areas Technique, Control, Tactical and Scoring. The Master Doctor helped to get him on the line of aim and Mustafa was a fast learner in developing the skill.
PJ fine-tuned his Approach, Cue Action and on his aiming and delivery. Each skill was mastered and Mustafa really improved in each session.
PJ said Mustafa has a great passion for the game, I really enjoyed training him as he was a great student in learning the new skills. Mustafa begins a new training program which will be monitored with results and feedback in helping to improve his game.
My 147academy would like to thank Mustafa for coming over and wish him a safe journey home and good luck for the future.