Last week my 147academy returned to the capital of India’s West Bengal, Kolkata city to hold a Snooker Coaching Camp in the Calcutta Cosmopolitan Club from the 19th-27th of November.
The Players
The eight Players from the city of Kolkata showed fantastic commitment in wanting to learn the skills with Shreevardhan Poddar, Rishabh Dugar, Mudit Poddar, Dhruv Agarwal, Aayush Gangwal, Rajesh Tulsian, Priyansh Jain and young 8yr old Samridhee Dugar attended this camp.
Academy Aids
I used my Master Doctor and laser to get the players in line, I used the 360cue to achieve a smoother delivery and I used my Blade Cue to help the players deliver the cue straight.
Camp Goal
All the players were recorded and practiced Technique, Break Building, Long Potting and Safety routines. I worked on creating records for the players to achieve and I fine-tuned good fundamentals in their playing techniques. I developed a new training program to improve their Break Building and Cue Ball Control as I feel this is a crucial area in developing their game to a higher level.
Each player received the videos of their action from the camp plus a player profile that outlines what is needed next to improve even more. All the players also received a sports psychology to help with their mind fitness.
The size and population the city of Kolkata always overwhelmed me as it is over 5.5 million people living in one city. The hospitality shown to me again from the moment, I arrived to the moment I left was incredible.
Thank You
I bring back some great memories and it was a pleasure training all the players again as their commitment and passion to learn the new skills was superb. I would like to thank the Calcutta Cosmopolitan Club for hosting the camp and thank Sandjeep Jain for organising a great Camp.
Remember ‘’ Practice hard and play with Confidence ‘’